A quote: “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs”- Unknown Author
- My Hometown
Listenings about Towns1,2
- At the Doctor’s
- Cities, Towns and Villages
- Dating, Family and Friends
- Families
- Food and eating
- Films
Extra Speaking Activity - Going Shopping
- Hotels
- Learning Languages
- Mobiles and the Internet
- Money
- Personality Adjectives
- Restaurants
- Stereotypes (Gender)
- Stereotypes (National)
- Technology
- Travelling
- Work
Talking about jobs
- Are you a Risk Taker
- Are we killing or promoting creativity? A collaborative speaking and writing lesson.
- Cities
- Crime and Punishment
- Crime and Punishment: Some Engaging Classroom Activities
- Customs and Traditions in Spain
Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world
- Food: Food for Thought Issues
- -ed –ing Adjectives: The Supporting Act
- The environment
- The Environment: Save Mother Earth
- Good manners, customs and strange traditions
- Halloween: 3 activities to Do on a Spooky Gloomy Halloween Day
- Health and illness
- Houses: Make yourself at Home
- Learning languages: my fave videos to spark discussion
- Life begins at 70: a Future perfect and Future continuous lesson
- Movies
- News and fake news
- New Year’s Resolutions: Bridget Jones
- Performing Arts: theatre, circus, dancing…etc
- Personal Identity: A lesson about names and personality
- Shopping: Online shopping and traditional shopping
- Shopping: Fair Trade
- Shopping: The Perfect Gift
- Stars in their eyes
- Success and Failure
- The Etiquette of Social Kissing
- Taking Risks
- Technology and mobiles
- Travelling: Off the Beaten Track
- Travelling: 8 engaging ESL activities for teaching about travelling
- US elections explained
- The Weather
- When in Rome do as the Romas do: habits, customs, traditions and manners
- Work
- The Animal kingdom: a Multi-Skill lesson Plan for C1 Students
- Animals: a speaking lesson: posters, cards1, cards2
- Animals
- Art
- Business and Economy with Elon Musk
- Cities
- Exploring Cities: 3 classroom activities
- Cities: an outdoors QR Code listening and speaking activity
- Conflict and Resolution
- Education
- Education: Enhancing Collaborative Listening in Class using QR Codes and Group Chat
- Environment + powerful video
- Fashion Controversy
- Fashion: Gender Stereotypes in Fashion
- Food: Going vegan
- Health: 2 activities to activate Health vocabulary
- Housing Issues
- Immigration and Deportation
- News: the Hunt for News
- From headlines to conversations: Building Media Vocabulary
- Politics and Politicians
- Politics: Biden and Trump visit my class
- Relationships
- Scenery: A writing activity using pasta
- Science and Research
- Success
- Tourism and travelling
- Travelling: World Café
- Travelling and Tourism: Speaking board + useful phrases
- Work
- Work: speaking board
- Work: favourite pictures to spark discussion
Exploring the World of Work (with a little help from Brad Pitt!)
Thanks a lot for your feedback!
These are all such great ideas and I like the way they all the activities have an adequate structure to them.
Thank you for your kind words!
Dear Cristina,
Your blog helps my teaching very much and I admired your interesting ideas in guiding the students to learn English in a fun way.
I am also inspired by your interactive activities and quizzes.
Thank you for sharing your teaching packages with us and I hope to be an excellent English teacher like you!
Thank you again!
Many interesting and useful activities.
Congrats Cristina!
Thanks a lot for your comment!!!!
Thank you for this excellent resource! The materials are very well thought-out.
Thanks. So glad you like it!!!
Gracias Cristina.. un gran trabajo!, Es super inspirador
Good to know!! Thanks for your comment!
Thank you! You have designed exactly what I was looking for for a c1 class on success.
Hi dear Cristina. WOW!!!!! I can’t yet believe my eyes. Chapeau!!!! You are the best Cristina. A 1000000 thanks 4 being there.
Huge congrats for making me love my profession and for showing me I really need to be better and how to do it.
I’m now downloading your Mobil and Internet ready to use lesson plan. It’s amazin’ as all of the others.
Thanks a lot!
thanks for your content it’s great!
Awesome content here! Thanks for sharing.
I am so sorry Enrique.
This is what happens with very old posts: videos clips just disappear.
That seems to be the case for this one!
Hi Cristina,
I am a teacher at the school of languages in Murcia and I was trying to use the following resource: https://www.cristinacabal.com/pre-intermediate/doctorandpatient.htm
I could not find the video. Is it something I’m doing wrong?
Kindest Regards,
Enrique Carrillo
Thanks for letting me know. It is working now+ I have added a new link about crimes.
Hello Cristina,
The link to some units does not work or there is no material linked to it, this is the case of Crime and Punishment. Could you fix the problema, please?
Great Job. I love your out of the ordinary lessons.
Keep going, please,
Thanks Steph. Glad to be of help!
Sin tu ayuda y tu precioso material, no hubiera sobrevivido a este año. Gracias!!!
Thanks Anna ! I am delighted my lesson plans helped your students too!
I love your blog, full of interesting activities and more. I tried some with my students and they enjoyed a lot and learnt even more. Thank you so much
I’m glad you find something you can use. 🙂
Many Many thanks for sharing your expertise. As someone new to teaching this is a real help.
Thanks a lot for your feedback and for your kind comment!
Thanks for all this material you have posted. That has helped me a lot. It’s very useful. A good and simple way to practise and learning. Go ahead Cristina!
Thanks Rosana.
You’re very kind. I’m glad you find it useful!
Thanks for posting such good material!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosanna Lorenzani
Thanks for your comment and your interest. Unfotunately, I don’t do online teaching.
Megustatiarecibir lecciones para mejorar mi English.Gracias.Excelente.website
I am glad you find it helpful!
You’re most welcome!
Gracias por este espacio