- Speaking and Writing
- The Same
- Older or Elder, Farther or Further?
- Prepositions after superlatives: of and in
- Some activities to talk non-stop using Comparatives and Superlatives
-ed/-ing adjectives
Order of the Adjectives
- Order
- Exercises 1 and 2
- Video BBC
- Game using adjective order
- Manner: Speaking Activity
- Manner, Frequency, Time, Degree, Comment adverbs
- Speaking activity: Using adverbs while telling anecdotes. B2/C1
- Adverbs of degree: pretty, fairly, really, very and quite
- Practise adverbs of manner and intonation, having fun
- Position of Adverbs in the sentence: manner, frequency, comment, degree, time and place
Another and Other
- Grammar
- Some help with another, other, others
- Exercises 1,
- Quizzes: 1 , 2
As (conjunction)/ Like (prepositions)
Both, Neither, Either, None
- Revision Grammar and Translation Exercises (presentation)
- Teaching Both, Neither and Either Blog and PDF
- 2 fresh and fun activities to practise Both, Neither and Either
Cleft Sentences
Conditional Sentences
- Grammar and Exercises
- Grammar (I, II,III,0; Mixed)
- Mixed Conditional Sentences+presentation+ game
- Mixed Conditionals exercises 1
- Alternatives to If exercises: 1,2,3
- Alternatives to IF (Baamboozle)
- Exercises Transformations 1
- Speaking and Writing :Some nice no-prep activities for the First Conditional
- Writing Activity: Giving Advice (second conditional)
- Working with the Conditional !. Discussing, Moral dilemmas
- Speaking: Two sets of cards. Alternatives to IF
Connectors and Linking words
>>While and whereas
>>Grammar and Exercises
Expressing Preference: Would Prefer/Would Rather/ Had Better
- Grammar
- Presentation Would Rather/Prefer and Would Prefer + Speaking
- Exercises 1, 2
- Speaking
- Would rather lesson
- Would you rather grammar
- Would rather exercise
- Would prefer grammar
- Digital board. would you rather/prefer
Infinitive and Gerund
♥Verbs followed by Infinitive/ Gerund
>>Exercises 1
>>Exercises 1,2
>>Try+inf/ Try+ gerund >>Some activities to practise infinitive and gerund >> How to use suggest and recommend
♥Infinitive of Purpose
>>Video (slides )
♥ING Form
>>Grammar: cartoon
>>Exercise 1,2
Inversions with negative or limiting adverbs
- Explanatory video from the BBC here
- Canva presentation
- Real Sample videos from L.O. Barrios here
- Exercises PDF
So Do I / Neither Do I
>>Exercises 1,2
I wish /if only
- I wish /if only: lesson plan
- Fun Lively communicative Game
- Interactive Exercises: wish/hope, Prompts, Speaking
- PDF 1, PDF2
Guess my Age: a fun game to practise modals of possibility and certainty
>>Cannot or Can Not?
>>Could/Managed To
>>Can and Be Able To
♥Modals of Obligation,
♥Modals of Deduction &Possibility
♥Modals of Advice
♥May/Might/Could: Possibility
♥Should : Advice
>>Writing activity
♥Modals Mix
>>Exercises Rewriting 1,2,3
♥Past Modals
- Speaking: An Engaging Writing Activity with Post-it Notes
- Speaking: 3 activities.
- Video explanation: focus on pronunciation
Participle Clauses
- Explaining Have sth Done and Killing 2 Birds with one Stone
- Grammar and exercises
- Brainstorming: have something done
- Have something Done (video)
- It is said/have sth done/ passive with prepositions (exercises with answers)
- Grammar
- Exercises
- Pronunciation and Exercise 1
>>Dependent Prepositions
>>Between vs Among
>>Prepositions after superlatives: of and in
Possessive Adjectives
♥Demonstrative : This/these, That/those
>>Exercise 1
♥Personal Pronouns : I, you
- Exercise 1
♥Object Pronouns:me,you,him
- Exercise 1
♥ self/selves and each other
♥Pronouns (mix)
- Exercise 1
- Questions about the subject and the object
- Indirect questions
- Indirect Questions: Speaking+Money questions (3rd
- Indirect questions exercises 1,2,3
- Game: Asking questions: a guessing game
- Questions Tags
- Question Tags (Animated Video)
- Question Tags Exercises 1,2, Special cases 1,2
Relative Sentences
- Grammar and Exercises
- Relative Adverbs: where, when and why
- More Exercises 1,2,3
- Modern Taboo with a Twist
- Speaking
- Speaking Game
- Writing Activity with relative sentences
Reported Speech
- Grammar and Exercises
- Say and Tell
- Famous Quotes
- Questions Nicely Explained
- Questions (interactive)
- Introducing Orders
Introducing Reported Speech Statements, Questions and Orders in a Different Way
- Reporting Verb Patterns (advanced grammar)
- Two Engaging Activities to work with reporting verbs
- Reporting verbs in action
Saxon Genitive
>>Exercises 1,2
>>Exercises 1,2,3,4
>>Two images to provide the sentence
Some and Any
>>Grammar and Exercises
♥Some and Any Compounds
>>Exercises 1,2
So Do I / Neither Do I
>>Exercises 1,2
Subject /Verb Agreement
>>Grammar,Translation Exercises and Speaking
Suggestions and Invitations
Verb Tenses
- Tenses Chart
- Tenses Form Quiz
♥Present Continuous
♥Present Simple/Continuous
>>Exercise 1,2,3(mix),4(time expressions)
>>Video + Comprehension Questions
♥Past Simple
- Grammar and Exercises
- Pronunciation 1, 2
- Explanation
- Exercise 1
- Irregular Verbs Practice
- Irregular verbs? Yes, please!
- Irregular verbs competition (2nd
- Listening and Speaking
- Revising Simple Past, Used to and Would
- The Weekend Game: A no-prep Speaking Activity
- Hey! Hold on! A simple activity to fix slipping to the present tense
- Interactive irregular past sentences
♥Used To
- Grammar
- Introducing Used To+ Writing activity
- Exercises 1
- Used TO: Introducing Used to, a Nice Short Writing Game and a Beautiful Song.
- Used To/Simple Past
- Used To /Would.Exercise 1
- Used to /Be Used to/ Get used to
- Video explaining grammar: Used to/Be used to/ Get used to
- Exercises with used to/be used to/get used to Exercise 1,2, 3, 4, 5
- Grammar: used to, would and simple past
- Revising Used to, Would and Simple Past >
♥Past Continuous
♥Simple Past/Past Continuous
>>A writing activity
♥Present Perfect
>>Grammar and Exercises
>>More Exercises 1
>>Speaking: Never Have I Ever
♥Present Perfect/Simple Past
- Exercises 1,2,3,5
- More exercises 1,2,3
- Game: You’re lying
- Difference clearly explained 1
- Difference clearly explained 2
- 3 speaking games
♥Present Perfect Continuous
- Game. Worksheet
- Grammar exercise 1
- ♥Past Perfect/Simple Past
>>Grammar and Exercises
>>Orally explaining the Past Perfect
>>Speaking: Situations. Flashcards
>>Past Perfect in other contexts: I wish, 3rd Conditional >> Past Perfect Presentation
♥Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous
♥Verb To BE
>>Exercises 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
♥Verb To Have/Have got
>>Difference between Have and Have Got
- Future with Intention: Grammar and Exercises
- Future for Predictions
Speaking 1,2
Video: (slides to predict)
Reading and Speaking - The future with the verb “to be”
- Future Continuous and Future Perfect: Grammar and exercises
- Life begins at 70: a future perfect and future continuous lesson
♥Future Mix :
>>Exercise 1,2 rewriting (key)
♥Mixed Tenses
>>Exercises 1,2,3,4
>>Exercises 1
>>More Exercises(Lots)
>>Rewriting Exercises 1,(key),2 (key),3
♥Assorted Exercises
>>Transformations 1,2
>>Cloze 1 , 2
in the near future, probably.
Could you please share an explanation about inversions please?
Thank you a lot
In the near future
could you put something about inversión please.
Thanks a lot
Great! very useful knowledge 🙂
That’s great i hope i can speak english well in the furture. Thanks for sharing.
Can you be a bit more specific? There is so much content on the blog that right now I don’t know which one you are referring to!
Hello, I saw an activity to create relative clauses with different pictures….now I can’t find it. Can you help me please ? (it wasn’t taboo)
Thanks for your comment Adinda! Once in a while, I check that all the link are working but some of them are from other sites and they just disappear! It is almost impossible for me to check that they are all working! If you want to let me know which ones are not working, I can have a look and either delete them or find new ones to replace them!
Great stuff! I like using the wordart site to make word clouds to use in class.
Some of the links in this overview are not working (some of the exercises)
Thank you. I am happy you find it useful!
wow! Your website is a rich source of English learning materials.
Can we found the answers somewhere? For the exercise about conditionals..Thanks
Hi Toshi
Yes, you’re right. Thanks for letting me know.
there is a mistake on link
if clause main clause
(If I had gone to the party I would have seen you) is not simple present tense
I am glad you find it useful! 🙂
Great job! Thanks for sharing!!
🙂 thanks
i like so much