Complaint Letters/Emails: 2 Warm-ups

Writing a complaint letter sounds serious, right? But before I ask my students to get into that, let’s help them loosen up with two quick warm-ups!


First—let’s reflect. Do you often complain, or do you just let things go?

Then, let’s turn up the fun! There’s a challenge: can you guess the complaint just by interpreting a few clues? Some might be obvious, but others will definitely make them think!

Once we’ve had a good laugh (and maybe a little self-discovery), we’ll dive into writing complaint letters that actually get results. Here are the two quick warm-ups. Hope your students enjoy them.

  • Do you think you complain a lot, a little, or just enough? In what situations do you usually complain?
  • In your country/culture, is openly complaining common, or is it considered rude? How do people usually complain?
  • What do people in your city/country often complain about? (e.g., public transport, slow service, bad weather)?
  • Can you recall a time you complained and got a solution? How did you handle it?
  • Do you prefer to solve a problem by complaining or ignore it? Why?

Let’s have fun!You will see emoji sequences and you must try to guess what type of complaint each represents.


Complaint emojis de cristina.cabal

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