This is a section of the blog I’ve meaning to write for a while. I have called it Ed Tech Quickies because my intention is to write very short posts sharing with you links, tips or tricks that can help us spice up learning or just make our classes more visual and more engaging. Here we go.
If you cannot rely on your Internet connection, Videocyborg is just what you need to download a video from any website, even from Facebook or Twitter
Just paste the URL of the video you want to download in the box, click Download Video and that’s it. Ready to take it to class. You don’t need to register and it’s free.
Your Post is awesome I really appreciate it.
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing.
That’s a great tip! thanks a lot! I will share it on the blog very soon!
Oh, thank you so much, Cristina. Your ideas are being great help to me.
In relation to this topic of downloading videos from youtube, I’d like to share a tip with you: you can add the letters “pp” after the word “youtube” on the link. Next, click on the enter key and it will open a new tab from which you can download the video.
I hope that helps!
Happy new year, by the way 😀
Thank you for your constant support, Cristina!
Fantastic idea, Cristina! Thanks a lot for this brand-new section. You rock big time!