Tag Archives: Phrasal verbs

Quiz Challenge: 30 Common Phrasal Verbs that you Really Need to Know

Can we still be friends if today’s post is on phrasal verbs?

I know, I know, I’ve been a student, too. I know what you’re thinking. How, for goodness sake, one is supposed to learn that a car pulls in/off/over/out/up/away and into something and be expected not to make a mistake?

When I was a student at university, they made us learn like two thousand phrasal verbs or maybe more. I cannot remember exactly how many, but what I do remember is that I had them sellotaped  -sticky notes hadn’t been invented yet- on the walls of every single room in the flat I was sharing. I am pretty sure my flatmates entertained the idea of asking me to leave, especially when they heard me enter a room, point at the wall and recite the list, but I am pretty sure they learned a phrasal verb or two.

Anyway, I am not planning to ask my students to memorise long lists of phrasal verbs out of context. There are more pleasant ways to learn them, aren’t there?

This quiz below is a good example of that. According to Roy Norris, author of Ready for First, Ready for Advanced and Straightforward (advanced) among others, these are the 30 most common phrasal verbs in English.

Do you have any others to add to the list?


This is how I suggest you work with the quiz:

  • Do the quiz
  • Once you have finished doing it, try to remember which phrasal verbs were tested and write them down on a piece of paper together with their meaning.
  • Do the quiz once again and compare your written answers with the ones given in the quiz.
  • Write down the ones you didn’t know. Look them up in a good dictionary and read the example sentences to see how they are used in context.
  • Try the quiz again some other day to consolidate knowledge.

Thanks for reading. 🙂 Follow us on Facebook

Word of the Day: To Fall Back

Yeah! Once again it’s this time of the year when it finally dawns on me that winter is coming. There is no way I can keep on pretending this hot weather is going to last. On Sunday 27th October , our clocks will fall back, and we’ll gain??? one extra hour

This practice, called Daylight Saving Time (DST) is done as a way of making better use of the daylight by setting the clocks forward one hour during the summer, and back again in the autumn. But, in Spain, some people are beginning to ask the government to end this time change practice and keep daylight saving time all year.
A bit of history is due: In Spain Daylight Saving Time was first introduced in 1918 but it was introduced and abolished several times throughout the years. But since 1974 , after the 1973 oil crisis, daily saving time has been observed every year. What do you think? Should we end this practice or keep it?

Anyway, don’t forget to fall back this Sunday! Saturday night will be one hour longer!