Tag Archives: favourite posts

My Top Posts – Best of this Season (2018/19)

And here we are again. End of the school year, at least in Spain, and the time when me and my blog take a break. And it’s been like this for almost 12 years now. I must confess that sharing my activities with you is one of the greatest joys in my professional life.

I want to say thank you to all of you who read every post I publish and encourage me with their comments to keep on writing. Also, to those who are too shy to say something but encourage me all the same with their “likes” on Facebook or Twitter.

Have a very good summer and if you want to keep your English fresh, do something that you like. It could be listening to music, learning how to cook some delicious dishes or following some youtube influencers; anything that you enjoy as long as it is in English.

I ‘ll be resting for the most part of the summer and doing some professional training in Aberdeen (Scotland) for a couple of weeks. You know me, I cannot keep still for a long time! In fact, I’ll still be active on Twitter LOL 🙂

I want to see every single one of you back here in October when I return to blogging. I’ll be calling attendance! Enjoy and be happy!

I leave you with my favourite posts from this school year.

My Top Posts- Best of this Season (2018/19)

Back in October! + Most Popular Posts This School Year (2017-2018)

Dear all, hi! I feel like I’ve been gone for forever but exams have kept me mad busy and I haven’t had time a single moment to post something worthy.

And again, it is this time of the year when I take a break from classes and the blog. To be honest, most of the times when it’s June I begin to experience telltale signs of burnout. Not this year. I am full of energy and my brain is busy with ideas to try in the next school year. However, it wouldn’t be fair and it’s not my style to blog about things I haven’t tried first, so let’s take our usual break.

Since I wasn’t able to post while I was marking exams, all these ideas have found their place in a draft folder in my hard drive. I’ve got like a ton of ideas that are going to come at you very quickly after the summer break. Keep tuned!

Please, do come back at the end of the summer. Your comments and feedback are essential to me.

Meanwhile, I will still be active on Twitter @blogdecristina where I’ll be reposting ideas and activities and retweeting interesting stuff. So, if you have a Twitter account, do follow me. I will also be leading some workshops here and there, so if you are a reader of this blog,  don’t be shy and come and say hello. I will be happy to meet you.

See you very soon! I’ll miss you!

Below you’ll find some of my favourite posts this year.