Tag Archives: exam

Preparing for the Certificación Oral Test: Role Plays.

You won’t probably need to be reminded that in the Certificación Oral Test there are two parts. No matter what level you are taking there is always an Interaction with the examiner and then another part where you’ll be on your own talking about whatever is shown in the pictures the examiner will offer you.

Today I want to help you practice the Interaction at Elementary level. I hope these slides help you. More will be coming , so keep posted!!!.

Picture Description: Elementary Level

I want to share a few pics that I am planning to use in today’s elementary classes to practise Picture Description. I published this activity last year and it worked so well that I guess I’ll be forever using it. So here it is again!

For this activity the students are sitting in pairs, one student facing the board and the other with his back to the board. Using the OHP, a picture of people performing something is displayed. Now, the person seeing the picture has to describe it in as much detail as possible and the other person has to draw the picture. Allow them four or five minutes and then choose the best picture. Below are some of the photos I’m going to use and some expressions they need to use. (note: we have just begun describing photos, so right now I am teaching the basics. Hopefully, I’ll be teaching the contents in this photocopy soon ( Click here to see it)

Introduce the photo: This photo shows…. I can see

Location: on the left/right , in the middle, at the front/back

The people (appearance and actions) She looks sad. He is reading

Your opinion: I think…. I like it because…

Easy Peasy! Have a nice weekend!

Pruebas de Certificación Tips and Practice


The SPEAKING TEST consta de tres partes .

  • En la primera parte ,(1 ó 2 m) el examinador hará preguntas de carácter general cuyas respuestas no contarán de cara a la nota final. No tiene otro objetivo que ayudar a que el alumno se sienta más cómodo.
  • La segunda parte del examen es la INTERACCIÓN . En esta parte el examinador interactuará con el alumno. En el Nivel Básico, se le dará al alumno una situación (role-play) donde tendrá que asumir el papel que se le indique. En el Nivel Intermedio , el examinador elegirá un tema y hará preguntas al candidato.
  • La tercera parte del examen es lo que denomina DISCURSO CONTINUO . Aquí el candidato tendrá que hablar sobre unas fotografías ( máximo tres) sin ninguna intervención por parte del examinador . En el Nivel Básico se pedirá al candidato que compare y describa , y en el Nivel Intermedio que describa y compare las fotos y hablé ,además ,sobre el tema sugerido en las mismas.

El examen oral es tu oportunidad de brillar .El examinador espera de ti que utilices variedad de estructuras y vocabulario adecuado al nivel del que te examinas. Si estás en Intermedio y utilizas vocabulario y estructuras de Nivel básico , aunque no tengas errores no es probable que apruebes . Es importante que respondas a las preguntas del examinador con respuestas largas, desarrollando tus ideas. No esperes a que el examinador te pregunte “por qué” a una pregunta que te ha realizado, lo normal es que tu ofrezcas esa explicación y que el profesor no necesite aclaración ninguna. No te olvides además de usar conectores para enlazar tus ideas, no utilices siempre los mismos , recuerda que es tu momento de brillar.
Mira este video. Ilustra muy bien lo que intento explicarte arriba.


En el examen oral , como ya te he explicado, tienes que utilizar variedad de estructuras . Mira este video de 5 m para aprender diferentes expresiones para substituir I like/ I don’t like. Aquí

Enlaces a páginas que  pueden ayudarte a preparar el examen

1. Blog de Cristina .Descripción de personas , Descripcion de una foto
2. Writefix.com . Al pasar el cursor por encima de las fotos, te ofrece sugerencias de vocabulario y estructuras para ayudarte a describir.La sección se llama PET SPEAKING.
3. El British Council en su web , publica un video donde dos estudiantes describen una fotografia . Video aqui, tapescript aqui
4. Blog de Cristina. Ejemplos de descripcion de fotografias realizadas por alumnos de la EOI


1. Blog de Cristina con ejemplos ( algunas interactivos) de distintos role-plays. Aquí
2. Twominenglish.com. Videos para practicar role-plays : at the restaurant, shopping or at the airport. Repetiras las frases más comunes para cada una de estas situaciones.
3. http://simpleesl.com/coleccion de 16 role-plays para continuar practicando


Esl-bits.net. Haz clic en uno de los Tests ( numerados del 1 al 19 ) y elije que tipo de ejercicio quieres hacer (signs,details,matching..,)




1 Blog de Cristina. Temas variados acompañados de fotografias .

2. Eslconversationquestions.com/

3. Teflpedia.com/

4. En Ielts Speaking puedes preparar 16 temas de examen (Towns and Cities, Clothes and fashion…etc ) . Leerás las preguntas que hacen los examinadores y las respuestas que a los examinadores les gustaría oir con el vocabulario especifico marcado en negrita.

5.En Digilander.libero.it/puedes ver algunas Useful expressions for the speaking exam que tal vez te sirvan de ayuda.

1. The British Council en su sección para teens puede ayudarte

2. Blog de Cristina . Sección Reading (scroll down)


WriteFix.com ofrece ejemplos de expresión escrita . Solapa CAUSE AND EFFECT:HOME y ESSAY LIST OLDER.

Blog de Cristina. Sección de writing ( scroll down)

Espero haberte ayudado. Si conoces algun enlace que pueda resultar útil para preparar este examen no dudes en mandármelo


Speaking: Fashion and Trends

I’m really stressed now. Internet has been down for three days and I only had it serviced this morning after  countless phone calls to the company.

Preparing exams, marking exams, preparing classes, publishing…. this is all part of who I am and what I do for a living …. but listen!, catching up on  my email has been nothing short of a nightmare. Christmas is coming and it seems all the companies have got hold of my email address ’cause there were like 500 emails waiting for me. Most of them junk! Really, if I get one more email informing me that I can get a 40% discount in ( insert shop here) I am going to go postal.

Anyway, I am sure my students have been checking my site to see if I have published their last oral test as promised. Here it is guys! Sorry to keep you waiting !

The topic: Fashion and Trends

First of all, three nice pictures you need to use as an excuse to talk  about the given topic

and now some questions to talk about. Time to show off, guys!

Role Play : Renting a House

This year I am teaching  two different levels, the  2nd course in the Elementary Level and the 2nd course in the Intermediate Level.  Teaching the last courses within a level means my students will have to, necessarily, take the Certificación exam if they want to pass to the next level. The exam has different parts but I know you’ll agree with me if I say that the most stressful one is the Oral test. I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea to face a board of  two or three teachers  listening, very attentively, to every word you say. Haven’t you always wanted to be centre of attention 😉 ?

The oral Exam in the Elementary Level has two parts. The first part is a Role-Play. Here, the students will have to interact with the teacher. Students will be presented with a situation and they will have to take  one role, while the teacher takes the other role.

To prepare my students for these role-plays, I often use PhotoPeach, an online tool which allows you to create a free slide show in seconds. Dying to try my other slideshows with Role-Plays? Click here

This is the last I have uploaded: Renting a House. Prior to this online Role-Play, students, in pairs, have written an advert for a house/flat for rent and from this advert they have written a dialogue, which they have later performed.

This is the last step.