Tag Archives: errors

A Word on Grammar: Arrive At or Arrive In

You’ll never believe the number of times I have corrected this mistake! I sometimes ask myself: “If I explained this mistake in Mandarin Chinese, Would they pay more attention? Let’s try this way:


See? I have used red, put it in bold, inside quotation marks…. will it work now?

The verb ARRIVE is followed by two prepositions AT or IN. See? NEVER “TO”

Arrive at a building , station, airport

Arrive in a country, city. etc

Be Careful: You arrive at someone’s house BUT you arrive home

Surely, it isn’t that difficult to remember. Why don’t you try reading this post like two or three times and then doing the exercises below?  I bet you will never ever make this mistake again. Naive? 🙂 Maybe! Fed up with correcting this mistake? Absolutely!!!

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A word on Grammar: We are six!

One of the most common mistakes  my students make is due to their translation of the Spanish equivalent . “Somos seis”

Teacher: How many people are there in the class?

Student: We are six

“we are six” actually means ” we are six years old” so when the teacher asks

How many people are there in the class? the correct answer must be

There are six of us

unless, of course, you really are six years old, which I very much doubt if you’re reading this.

Do you make this mistake? If so, now you know how to answer properly!

Word of the Day: Weigh, Weighed and Weight

“I promise you that I keep trying to lose weightbut it keeps finding me !”  Unknown

Who gives a damn about “weight” when spring has come and it has been raining nonstop for two long weeks. I, for a start, have to keep reminding myself, that bad weather will eventually end and that, eventually, I’ll have a chance to wear my new bikini. And, every single Monday, I get on  my bathroom scale and I can almost hear the joking scale saying: “Is someone on here with you?” or “Hey, get Pavarotti off me” and every single Monday I promise myself I am going to start a diet and lose some weight so that the next time I climb onto the scale, it’ll hear something like  “Right on, girl! You’re loosin’ it baby.”

Now, what’s the difference between “weigh” “weighed” and ·weight”.

♥ To weigh /weι/ is a verb  and it means to physically assess the  weight of something or someone— is it 2 pounds? 50 kilos? 15 grams?

“You can weigh the tomatoes you’re buying”

Weighed /weιd/ is the regular past of the verb “weigh”

“ The butcher weighed the chicken”

Weight /weιt/ is a noun and it means the mass or heaviness of a person or thing.The weight of a Yorkshire Terrier  on your lap might not bother you, but the weight of  a 60 kgs German Sheperd?
              “He has had a problem keeping his weight in check “
Weigh yourself to know your weight! 🙂

15 Grammar Goofs that make you look silly

I’m up to my eyes with exams so I don’t have much time to publish. I was saving this post for a rainy day -so to speak- and the rainy day has finally come.
It is literally embedded from the webiste www.copyblogger.com and if you’re wondering what a “goof” is you are about to know. A “goof” is a silly or stupid mistake. Without further ado here are the 15 grammar mistakes that make you silly:

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
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Word of the Day: On the Internet

I know, I know! You don’t have to tell me! Internet is not a difficult word to learn. Why should I, then, dedicate a post to the word Internet?   Come to think of it  this  post might be only meaningful to Spanish students as they are the ones who make the most mistakes when using this word in context. Why? For these two reasons.

♥ We don’t use the article “the

♥We have a problem with the prepositions in and on and we tend to use almost invariably in.

By the way, did you know that the word Internet is feminine in Spanish?