Tag Archives: students

Students’ Corner

 Dear students:

This blog would be pretty much nothing without you. Thank you! 



In Europe it’s forbidden to go camping in the nature; there are specific areas for camping equipped with electricity, bathrooms, restaurants, playgrounds  and sometimes even a swimming pool. But in other parts of the world you can go camping in the wild. Staying at a campsite has advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage is that it is cheaper than staying in hotels.  I think that families with children prefer to go camping because children have more freedom and sometimes there are activities planned for them.  So parents are free too!

Taking a break from TV, computers, mobile phones and the internet is a big advantage and it’s good for children and adults. Another thing that is great in campsites is that you can travel with pets. Dogs are usually accepted although they have to be tied.

A big disadvantage of going camping is that it’s uncomfortable. You have to travel with lots of luggage like a tent, sleeping bags,  backpacks and flashlights. Don’t forget the insect repellent because It’s easy to find insects inside the tent. Furthermore, People have less privacy, for example,  bathroom are communal. But if you travel by caravan or by van it’s like renting a small apartment  but in the nature!

For me , being in the outdoors outweighs  all the disadvantages because I love nature! I think it’s really exciting to go camping.



I´m not sure if this affirmation is totally true.  First I have to say that our options for entertainment are now far greater than they were in the 1930´s or 1940´s. On those days, the radio or the newspaper were the most important means of communication. Either of them was necessary to keep  people informed.

My grandfather loved listening to his radio. Being  able to listen to music or voices coming from all over the world…. it was kind of magic for him.

With the development of television, video games or internet, we now have more options to spend our free time on….although we have less free time too, that´s true!. When I arrive home after a hard day at work, I watch television or listen to music on my iPad… Both of them are fantastic options to relax…but I don´t usually listen to the radio.

So, everything seems to indicate that people used to listen to the radio more, but… some questions come to my mind, for example:

  • Does everybody have internet at home? The answer is no
  • Does everybody have a radio at home? Probably yes.

Also,I´m pretty sure that everybody listens to the radio while they are driving.

I´ve been looking for more information, about the radio on the internet, and I´ve discovered that there are a lot of Radio ListenerShips around the world.

A Radio ListenerShip is a group of people who use the radio as a mean of communication without high technology. This kind of radars are increasing every year.The reason is that in case of a catastrophe, like hurricanes or floods, the radio is a great deal more important means of communication than any other.

Because of all these, I think the myth that people used to listen to the radio more than nowadays is only that, a myth; and this is  probably thanks to the Radio Listener Ships.


I’d perfer to live in North America because, from my point of view, the USA is the land where dreams come true.

  I’m sure everybody knows America by their films. I remember our young Antonio Banderas in Philadelphia or Sony Crockett in Miami Vice. When I was a teenager I used to love Beverly Hills, 90210 but I can’t tell if I liked more Brandon or Dylan. Who doesn’t like to walk along the Hollywood Walk of Fame or go shopping on Rodeo Drive like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman?

I’ve always lived in Avilés. It´s a small town in the north of Spain. I’ve never studied or lived abroad so if I had to move to America it would be a big change for me.

I’ve only been to America once. I went on holiday with four friends. We stayed in NY for 10 days. Manhattan is an amazing place and NY is the city that never sleeps.

But our holidays started very badly. We booked an apartment online near Times Square because a friend had stayed there before and she recommended it to us, but when we arrived the owner didn’t answer the phone and the address given was false. Fortunately we booked a hotel that night and the rest of our holidays were fine and we could enjoy going shopping in the 5th Avenue, going for  a walk in Central Park or eating a big pizza in Little Italy neighbourhood. Also, in the subway, I saw the most handsome guy that I’ve ever seen in my life.

But in my opinion America isn’t the perfect country that movies show us because it’s the country with more obese children thanks to junk food and this is a very big problem as they are very unhealthy. I don’t agree with the use of weapons in USA and we see on TV ,every day ,the problems that this use is causing. Neither do  I like the death penalty that some states apply.

Scary Stories for Halloween

If you had asked me like twenty years ago  what my favourite stories  were, I would have loudly proclaimed HORROR stories but  this was back then when I  was brave enough to play with the ouija board  in a badly lit church without fearing anything, when me and my gang broke into abandoned houses with the legend of being inhabited by spirits or gathered around a fire to share  the scariest stories. This was back when one of my favourite writers was Stephen King and my favourite film was Carrie. I feared nothing and nobody. Yep. Those were the years  horror stories were my favourite.

I still like stories with a bit of something , but not like back then. I don’t remember when horror stories started to take a back seat but I guess it was when I began to have nightmares .

These two stories have a touch of mystery and they have been kindly sent by two of my intermediate students. I hope you enjoy them.!!

SNAKES ON THE PLANE  by  Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente

One of my passions is travelling and learning about other cultures and countries so last month I travelled  abroad.

I don´t really like flying but to go from Istanbul to Frankfurt I had no choice but  to travel by plane. The weather was sunny so the plane took off on time.

My trip was perfect until suddenly the  pilot said “We are heading for a storm and there will be turbulence”. I was nervous and worried because the sky was dark and there weren’t any lights inside the plane. I couldn´t see anything, I just heard screams.

When the light returned ,I couldn´t believe what I  saw. There were hundreds of snakes inside the plane. They were furious and they were attacking all passengers.

Then, I ran to the cabin but it was too late. The pilot was dead and I just saw blood everywhere and snakes.

I thought my end had come.

Luckily, when the biggest snake attacked me I woke up and understood that everything had been a bad dream caused by my fear to fly and my snake phobia.


As every year, I had a Christmas dinner with some friends who lived outside Asturias. We went to a restaurant in Avilés  and after desserts, coffees and some glasses of cider, I felt tired and decided to go home. While I was in the restaurant I noticed a guy  staring at me . When I looked his way , he greeted me  and although  I couldn´t remember him I said “hello”.

When I left the restaurant, I felt that somebody was walking behind me ,very close, and I began to feel scared  so, I started  to walk faster but the person following me also walked faster. Suddenly,  he shouted: “Susan, Susan please, wait for me”. I told him: ”Sorry, I´m not Susan, you´re wrong” but he didn´t care and he went on shouting : “Susan, you´re my wife, we have two children, don´t leave me, please”. I thought “Oh, my God, he´s  crazy!!”

I stopped a taxi and I explained the situation to the driver. He called the police and I went home.

The next day, I read in the newspaper that “A DANGEROUS MAN HAD RUN AWAY FROM THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL” . There was photo of the man. It was him!.

Guess Who!

Good morning folks!! I hope you are having a great week!!! Me?? So far, I can’t complain!!

Here we go once again with an activity where you ‘ll need to use your writing abilities in a game . Have a look at the mosaic below; I guess you’ll recognise most of our celebrities but if you don’t , don’t hassle , for this game you’ll need to write about one of them .


Aim: to describe both, physical  appearance and personality, of one of the celebritities in the mosaic  without mentioning their name.


♥ Choose one of the celebrities  and without mentioning who he/she is ,write a description of both physical appearance and personality.

♥ Don’t forget to use adverbs of degree  : quite, slightly, a bit, a little

♥ Show off, I guess you can see the difference between these two sentences: I think she is 70 years old  and I think she’s a 70-year-old woman. You are an Intermediate student, let the whole world know!

♥ Write a maximum of eight lines. See what other students have done here

♥You think you have finished? Right, you haven’t !! Now,  read what you have written several times to correct grammatical and spelling errors .

♥Now that you are confident everything is Ok, click on the “leave a comment” section and write your description.

♥In class, all descriptions will be read and the celebrities guessed. Enjoy! 😉





Picture Description: Holidays in the City or on the Beach

I wouldn’t like to finish the course without publising another example of picture description. This  time for the Elementary Speaking exam and kindly sent by Noelia Fernández.

Holidays in the city or on the beach

In both photos we can see two very different holiday destinations: a big city and a solitary paradise beach.
The picture on the right was taken at the famous street of New York Times Square. This street is always crowded with tourists, and in this photo I think there are too many. They are carrying photo cameras, video cameras or taking photos with their mobile phones. They are wearing summer clothes because it might be July.
In the other photo, there is a beach with clean sand and clear calm water without waves. In the foreground we see five sunbeds and palms.
In my opinion, the perfect vacation is a mixture of both destinations, a few days in the city to visit museums and emblematic buildings, to see a musical or a theater, to do some sightseeing and to make all the activities that you can, and then, other days at a resort to relax and enjoy the sun, the beach, sleep and enjoy the food.
If you’re looking forward to going to New York ,you need to save money because it is the most expensive city in which I have been, but it seems as if you are in a movie with all the famous places and you think ” I know this and that”.

Picture Description: Fashion

Another example of picture description for the Intermediate speaking exams. Thanks to Eloy Menéndez for kindly sending it.

These pictures are related to fashion and clothes.
To begin with, the photo on the left shows a group of young people wearing eccentric clothes, with a very particular style: most in black, large boots, fishnet stockings. Many people would say they look scruffy. Probably, they are in a music festival or in a concert and they seem as if they are having fun. In the other photo, we can see a catwalk, in which high-heeled models are wearing very expensive garments, probably from famous designers. Maybe, such events are more targeted towards shopaholics, who are always trying to be in the limelight and constantly renew the way they dress.
From some years up to now, clothes have become a distinguishing factor.

There are multiple urban tribes, some of them wearing outrageous clothes, others with colourful and bright garments, but each one with its own particularity, and they don’t care what others may think about them. They dress in the way they want. I am more keen on how the “skins” dress: shaved hair, tight jeans, suspenders, military boots. On the contrary, most of the teenagers are very fashionable because they are influenced by the media and constantly being fed with “tips” about what it’s cool to wear or not.

I would say fashion is cyclic and so are trends. Styles from the past are re-invented by designers or they just return in the same way they were many years ago: for that, vintage clothes, patterns, accessories and colours have become trendy nowadays.

One of the most widespread stereotypes is that women pay more attention to their appearance than men do. I think that used to be so in the past, yet today more men are worried about how they are seen by the opposite sex. So therefore, most fashion ads are directed to both sexes.

I believe everyone has to wear those clothes which match their own styles, their thoughts and moral convictions. If you think the most expensive shirt, the old-fashioned skirt or the most ragged jacket fits you, that’s what matters. Dressing well or badly is something subjective and if you feel comfortable with that garment, go ahead.
Eloy Menendez