Tag Archives: A2

More Role Plays for Elementary Students

Happy Tuesday!!

Hope that if you follow my blog  and you are not one of my students, you still feel the curiosity  to drop by from time to time; although it seems to me that, lately, all my posts have been  fully dedicated to helping my students practise for exams , but what can I do ??? I cannot just rest on my laurels and let them face the music without all the help I can offer them. I have very little time but  I cannot play possum when I know my students need me. I know, I know… I am an angel!!! I hope God will reward me with a cracking summer! Here they are some more role-plays, just cooked! 🙂





Picture Description: Beaches

Kindly sent by Carmen Muñiz from the Elementary Level.

Both photos show a beach, but they are very different.
I suppose it’s summer, because the weather is nice and sunny and everyone is wearing summer clothes.
In the photo on the right, the beach is next to the city. There are a lot of people sunbathing. It’s really crowded. In the background I can see many high buildings. The sea is on the left and it’s full of bathers. The sand is on the right and there are a lots of colourful beach umbrellas. I think it’s a modern big city, it seems a lively place.
On the other hand, in the photo on the left, the beach is far from the city, and there are few people. At the back you can see green mountains and some little houses. The sea is on the right, there is no one bathing. On the right corner, there are two women next to rocks, they seem very relaxed, they are sunbathing in sun beds and they are reading a book. They look like friends, it looks as if they are having a great time.
The scene in the photo on the right looks very noisy and it’s packed with people, while in the photo on the left, it looks very peaceful and quiet.
Personally, I prefer the photo on the left, because it looks like a perfect place to spend a summer’s day. I love going to the beach and swimming in the sea, but I don’t like beaches which are close the city, and the crowds.

Role Play: At the Lost Luggage Counter

Has an airline ever lost a piece of your luggage?
I guess it is not very uncommon for airlines to lose baggage , given that every time this conversation comes up everybody has something to say on this matter, either because they have lost it or they know a friend or a relative who has . The reason might be because it is said that 1 in 100 people lose baggage so I can assure you that on this issue there is no shortage of tales , describing the different stages one goes through when you realize you have no clothes to wear for your long-awaited school trip or the documents for the meeting are inside the missing suitcase.

Wanna smile? Read these two amusing stories I found on the Internet

♥At the airline check in at London Heathrow, Guy has three bags. He puts them down and says to the young lady, ‘I’d like you to send this one to Los Angeles, that one to Hong Kong and the last one to Durban.’ Her face shows signs of confusion before her training takes over and she says, ‘I’m afraid we can’t do that, sir.’
‘Why not?’ demands Guy, ‘you did the last time I flew with you.’ I have the picture! 🙂

♥Describing your Suitcase.I was flying into Boston last week and when I went to find my luggage, it seemed to be missing. So I went to the airlines customer service center to find out how to locate it. So the clerk asks me “Sir, can you describe your suitcase?” So I tell her, “it’s a hot pink suitcase shaped like a star”. She looks up and asks “Okay, and is there anything distinctive about your bag?”:)

Now , let’s learn how to claim your baggage if you unfortunately lose it .

Two more role-plays

I don’t know. I think I need  a holiday. I drag myself through the week and then Saturday and Sunday I just feel so sleepy I cannot bring myself to do the little things that not so long ago brought me a great deal of pleasure. I must be getting old though I am trying to convince myself that it is just another case of  spring depression. And why not embrace it? Why should I be expected to be up and cheerful all the time? why not sit quietly , enjoying my mood ? It is just another part of me and there is beauty to be found in all parts of me , for sure 🙂

Meanwhile, while I would be happy to stay at home nursing my current mood , my students still deserve to get the best of me.  Here it is, more role plays to practise for the certificación oral test. Don’t forget to check my Role Play Section.