Tag Archives: students

The Pyramids of Egypt, a Masterpiece of Architecture

Kindly sent by Estela Alvarez , a fourth-year student at the EOI
Humanity has achieved amazing exploits for thousands of years. For example, the control of fire and the invention of the wheel in the primitive communities or the sophisticated trips to the outer space nowadays. But if I have to choose one of the most outstanding achievements of mankind, it’ll the Pyramids of Egypt. I find them absolutely fascinating because they are still surrounded by mistery in spite of their age. Actually, nobody knows exactly how these extraordinary structures were built. Although it is thought that ramps, levers and pulleys could have been used to move the huge stone blocks which pyramids were made of, the fact is that archaeologists, engineers and other experts don’t fully agree about the way they were constructed.What I find particularly impressive is the perfect geometry on their slants. Moreover, the pyramids face towards specific stars, so it is a proof of the vast knowledge of Astronomy the ancient Egyptian civilization had. There are people who think that this famous monument is a vestige of an alien colony in the Earth built by creatures from another planet. I respect the beliefs each person has, but from my point of view, these people have seen the film «Stargate»far too many times. Anyway, I’m a bit more agnostic and I agree with the scientific research which has shown the pyramids were simply tombs of pharaohs.

These excepcional pieces of architecture were symbols of status and power in the ancient Egypt and only kings and queens of this civilization could be buried in these peculiar burial chambers when they died. Their bodies were mummified and the richness which belonged to the pharaohs was placed next to their mortal remains so that they could use their wealth beyond their death -they had faith in this sort of beliefs-. It is incredible to think about the wonderful treasures which may be still hidden under the sandy desert. Archeological excavations have been looking for hieroglyphics, old vessels, arks and other antiques along the Nile river bank for ages. However, I believe there are still a lot of marvellous things concealed there.
In my opinion, the Pyramids of Egypt are an admirable masterpiece. In fact, several months ago there was a survey in different countries to choose the new Seven Wonders of the World and millions of people voted for the Pyramids. They are the only wonder which was in the original list before the opinion poll and it is still standing after the survey. Definitely, if I save enough money to travel to Egypt one day, I won’t miss the opportunity to visit the Pyramids.

Goodbye my lover – Mika and …..The rest

I didn´t know Mika, nor this song, despite the fact that this is a romantic song and the more I listen to it the more I like it. Mika is a quick-changing singer and I reckon he would be the new Freddie Mercury who is believed to have been a sing start? in the past and nowadays, once he is dead, he is too, therefore I must assume he must be so in the future. (lyrics show must go on, video show must go on)
Another group like “Queen” would be U2 with his singer named “Bono” (video-with or without you, lyrics with or without you), those groups have been trendy in the past, nowadays and probably in the future. U2 have protest songs probably because of their nationality, they are from Ireland, where the conflict between IRA and England Government is latent. Their music and their lyrics improve in their concerts, once we can see their concert strength it´s unforgettable, they have a powerful sound that can surround us and a shiver can run down our spine (new year´s day). If someone can go to a U2´s concert, please don’t doubt, it´s always a good choice.
Another great pop singer is Robbie Williams (video feel-robbie, lyrics fell),I believe he must be mad, it is said that some geniuses have been a little crazy like him; probably drugs are wrecking his life. Although he is a great singer he ought to work hard to be an upper-class. He might become a sing star like Freddie Mercury but this is very difficult, watch this: (video barcelona)… behind Montserrat Caballe, it is so amazing.
On the other hand, there are many singers on top of the list s nowadays but I don´t know whether they’ll be in the future. For example Rihanna (video hate that i love you lyrics hate that i love you), a cute black woman and “No doubt” with their blonde soft rock singer (video don´t speak lyrics don´t speak).
But I don´t want to finish without speaking about Duffy, a pretty blonde singer who has a special voice which can take us our thoughts, and remind us of the lost American soul. I think she is a link between the past and the present and she is a flattering to our ears. (video mercy)
Sent by Manuel Torga, 4th year student


Written by Sandra Garcia Corte , 4º year

To start with, I have to tell you that I have been to many weddings in my life since I was a little child. This is because my mother has a lot of first cousins. In fact, they can be more than 20 ! 

Anyway, despite me having gone to so many weddings, I just really enjoyed my self in the first one.

I was with my aunt in my grandma’s house one day, when the door bell rang. It was my aunt’s boyfriend wanting to tell her something extremely important… As everyone was expecting (except my aunt) he showed her a beautiful golden engagement ring !  Of course, she said Yes !

The wedding took place three months later. (I was six years old). It was on the 4th of February and to  everyone’s surprise  it had snowed a lot the week before. Fortunately, that Saturday, the sun was shining.

The groom arrived before the bride. He was wearing tails and my mother was with him because she was the maid of honour. Half an hour later, the bride arrived. She looked gorgeous with her beautiful white dress and veil covering her face. I was one of the bridesmaid and my cousins were page boys.

More...They got married in a small chapel in the countryside. My grandfather, who was the best man walked the bride down the aisle. During the ceremony they pronounced the vows and exchanged silver coins, as usual. The significance of this ritual is sharing the worldly goods.

After the service, they stood outside for photographs for a long time. As they were leaving the Church, the guests threw rice over them. Besides,  my aunt threw her bouquet of flowers over her shoulder towards the crowd.

Then, we went along for the reception. We stood on the grass, by the river outside the restaurant and everyone drank cider and champagne for hours!

Later on, we entered the restaurant to have lunch; we took places. When the bride and groom came in looking wonderful, everyone stood up to welcome them with lights ! The meal consisted of 3 or 4 courses. After the meal, the couple decided to cut the wedding cake together. As they were cutting it, my dad proposed a toast. Afterwards, the best man gave the first speech. It was about the fact that  in marriage, you have to give and take… Finally, we danced the whole afternoon and even the whole night.

The next week the new couple left for their honeymoon to Egypt !!

At a Hospital

Last Saturday a friend of mine was badly injured in a car crash because he was under the alcohol effects. Fortunately, the accident was near Villa so the paramedics could get there before it was too late. They examined him and realised that besides suffering from shock, he could barely  breathe and there was blood everywhere. They rushed him to hospital and as soon as he arrived he was taken to the operating theatre to have an operation. His lungs were quite damaged but during the operation the doctors realised that his stomach was injured as well. Eventually it turned out worse than the surgeons expected so the operation lasted quite a bit more.

         After having been operated he was taken to intensive care and the nurses gave him an injection to avoid him the pains. Unfortunately his condition deteriorated overnight: he began to throw up, had a temperature… but it was all because of a virus so the doctors prescribed him some painkillers and antibiotics. After having healed the virus, the doctors discharged  him from hospital and gave him some advice as having a healthy diet (because of the virus), giving up smoking (because of the lungs injury) and keep away from the alcohol for a couple of months because he could be hooked on it.

         Nowadays he has scars because of the stitches he needed and is walking on crutches until the twist ankle gets better, if it doesn’t, he might need surgery. Moreover he has got rid of all the alcohol he had at home.

This essay has been sent by Estela Ramon García, 4º year

Mobile Phones

This article has been sent by Estela Álvarez Cortina. Level: Advanced 

Technological development has changed our lives and mobile phones are a good example to realize how they have already become a part of our daily routines.

The first mobile phones were only  used  by business people who were working for important multinational companies and travelled a lot. However, it seems that everybody has a mobile phone nowadays. 

I think mobile phones are a reflection of the current consumer society. In fact, there are people who buy several mobile phones every year and they boast about having the latest models. Obviously, firms don’t miss this opportunity to increase their profit and they often bring out new devices, every time more sophisticated. Those first huge gadgets which had heavy batteries are past history because they were absolutely different from the modern mobile phones, which are light, very small, tiny, and you can carry them on your pocket.

Moreover, networks want to seek  new customers, so they offer attractive bargains and discounts. For example, if you move from one network to another, it gives you a new mobile without paying a single  euro. Or if you sign a contract with a network, you can talk free for two hours a day. In spite of bargains like these, personally I prefer the  pay-as-you-go option because it allows  me to have a better  control over the money I spend. And when I run out of credit I can top up my mobile phone with a simple SMS, so it is very convenient.

One of the main advantages of mobiles phones is that they allow us to keep in touch easily. Actually, years ago, when they hadn’t been invented yet, the principal system of telephone communication were the landlines at home or in the office and the payphones in the streets, whereas today, thanks to mobiles phones, you are communicated wherever you go. You rarely get cut off because, in general, there is a good reception, except in isolated places where the sound can be a bit broken up or when the line is bad.

For me, another advantage of mobile phone is the text messaging system. If you are in a noisy place where it is difficult to hear a conversation, you can send an SMS. It is discreet because nobody can read what  you are typing or the message you have received, as well as being cheap: it cost less than the price of a call.

Although  most of the people use their mobile phone only to talk with other people, we can also use it as an  alarm clock, as a video game, to take and send photos… Certainly, mobile technology is improving all the time and today we can surf the Internet from our own mobile phone and we can download music that later will sound as ring tones.

In my opinion, mobile phones are very useful. I remember when I bought my first mobile phone years ago. That day it got me out of a tight spot because I went to the cash machine to withdraw money and the machine didn’t give me back my credit card, so I used my new mobile phone to call the bank and cancelled it.

But on the other hand, perhaps mobile phones have a little disadvantage. We have turned into slaves of them, we are reliant on the mobile phone and I think few people can live today withthout one nearby. I don’t understand people who are hooked on mobile phones and spend all their time talking or sending messages, even when they are driving. They are totally reckless!! I use the mobile phone everyday, especially because of my job, and sometimes I feel like a prisoner with a pair of handcuffs, so I would like to hang up .

On balance, mobile phones have more advantages than drawbacks, they have made our lives easier, but we must be aware of using properly. And finally, I’ll give you some advice: If I were you, I would connect the voicemail at weekends and I would cut off the mobile phone. Believe me, it is a rest.