Tag Archives: A2

A Glogster Project : My Favourite Sport!

Every year I find a reason to use Glogster in the classroom (click here to see my first article about Glogster) I think most of my students, though camera-shy, like to see their work published. I find that Glogster is the ideal tool to use with twelve or thirteen- year- old students because it ‘s very visual and students have a lot of fun deciding which frame to use for their photograph or text , which video they want to embed ( In English, of course) . Yes, they have fun but what they probably don’t realize is that they are using English from Step 1 of the project.
In fact, after finishing our Glogster, I wrote on the board  several of the words they had been using  (frame, text, wall, image, tools, gallery, upload, cartoon…etc) and they were happy when they recognised it.

Have you never tried Glogster? Give it a go! It’s a lot of fun!

Click here to see it better!

Ready-To-Go Lessons:Breaking News English

I cannot believe I have never posted about Breaking News English. I have been a subscriber for a long, long time. But, you know, sometimes   the things you are more familiar with are the things you more tend to forget to highlight but the site is incredibly helpful.

Breaking News English mainly helps you improve listening and reading but also if you read along it’ll help you with your pronunciation.
It has more than 1,500 lesson plans based on current events and news.

These lesson plans are very useful for the teacher as this site provides warmers, pre, while and after reading/listening activities, discussion ideas, writing suggestions and even homework activities, all related to the news story. There is an MP3 listening you can download or listen online.

St Valentine’s Day: two activities

I have never celebrated st Valentine. I cannot remember a single occasion in my life when I was given a present or  invited to a romantic dinner whatsoever.( If you are reading this and you are one of my ex-boyfriends, don’t hesitate to send me an email if I have forgotten what you did for me on that day. Don’t get pissed off, I am sure it was beautiful and it meant the world for me).

I’ve prepared two activities for two different levels.
The first one is a song by Whitney Houston “I will always love you”. It is my way of  paying  a little homage to one of the greatest singers in history. Click here to get the worksheet. Level: absolute beginners .

The other activity I have decided to do is on the other side of what love should be. Please don’t take any offense ! It is only a small  joke and although it is a bit sexist it is also good fun. And remember that I am a woman, too. In my opinion it would be suitable for intermediate students and I am planing  to give them the first part and ask them to work in pairs to predict what is the woman going to find on the sixth floor. There are lots of follow-up questions that can be the object of discussion and of a lot of fun, too.

Lesson Plan : Personality adjectives

Step 1. Look at the mosaic below with the faces of some well-known celebrities and, bearing in mind what you know about them, write a description based on their personalities. Make sure you use personality adjectives. Do not mention the name of the celebrity you are describing as your classmates aim will be to find out who you are describing. Please, don’t be too flattering or too hard on people. Remember that “not all that glitters is  gold”.

Important: the description should be written in the way of a comment to this post. How to do it? at the end of the post, click No Comments (or 9 Comments  if hopefully I have already published nine comments), leave the comments in the right field, repeat the required anti-spam word and click Submit Comment.

Step 2. Let’s have some fun. How would you fancy converting text to music? This funny programme allows you to type any words and it sings them back to you. Try typing some personality adjectives and listen to them sung by different people. The site is called Text to sing.

Step 3. Exercises. Do the following online exercises .

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

Step 4: Writing. How do you see yourself and how others see you? This task, as you can imagine, requires mature students as it involves writing and reading about you. First, students  find a classmate they know pretty well. Secondly, students write about their own personality and then, about their friend’s personality. Encourage students to explain and exemplify why they have chosen a certain adjective to describe them and also to describe a negative trait in their personalities as well as in their friend’s. Students pair themselves and compare what they have written.

Step 5. Singing Hand in my pocket by Alanis Morisette

Word of the Day: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

This saying first appeared in the 3rd century BC in Greek  and as you’ve probably guessed it means that different people have different ideas about what is beautiful, something I totally agree with. Don’t you?

But what is beauty? According to scientists, beauty has to do with symmetry combined with some gender-specific traits. For example, for women : full lips, large eyes, small jaw and nose ; and for men: squarer jaw, deeper-set eyes, full lips. Can you think of anybody with these traits? I surely have  some in mind. All right ! Time’s up! Stop daydreaming and go back to reading!

By the way, did you know that women’s perceptions of beauty change throughout their menstrual cycle? I know it sounds a bit weird and I don’t want to believe it but unfortunately this is what research shows.

Anyway, this is a brief (or rather not so brief) introduction to what I wanted to say from the beginning of this article  and this is  that beauty is nothing without brains  and the video below is proof of this.

I’m planning to use it with my elementary students, who are now studying the semantic field of FOOD.

Want to give it a go? Yes? Great!! So, now, watch it and then answer the following questions (if you want to do the hot potatoes exercise, click here)

1. What does the girl order?

2. Where  are they?