I’m going on holiday!

Summer´s here and totally in motion. These last two weeks have been hectic and I haven’t been able to post, so sorry if you have kept coming back to the blog only to find I hadn’t added a single thing.

If you have followed the blog for a while you may remember that in June me and my blog take a long  holiday.

In four days I’ll be leaving for Jerusalem (Israel) to take  a course  and do some research on the Jewish Holocaust and the politics of Nazi extermination during the Second World War. I know! Nothing to do with teaching English but … this is an issue that has interested me for a lot of years! 🙂

So, please drop by at the end of the summer and be happy!

2 thoughts on “I’m going on holiday!

  1. Gracias! Me encanta que te resulten útiles los artículos que publico. Y ya sabes donde estoy si tienes cualquier duda.

  2. Hola Cristina!
    Aunque no nos conocemos, sigo tu blog y me parecen siempre muy interesantes y prácticos tus posts.
    No quiero dejar pasar el fin de curso sin dejar de felicitarte por tu trabajo. Aprovecho también para desearte felices vacaciones.
    Ah! Y envidio el viaje a Jerusalem 🙂

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