Monthly Archives: May 2013

Having Fun

I should be marking exams and then again preparing a new batch of them.Oh my Gosh It is that time of the year!!Instead I am playing with

One of my students asked me to do some more practise on Reported Speech Questions and I thought this could be a nice way to revise this point of grammar.

Click on the numbers to see the questions ! Don’t you just love it??

Going to the Doctor!

This is a lesson I created about three years ago. As it often happens with my lesson plans I have written  some of the exercises myself, while some others have been taken here and there; in this case, some of the tasks link to a website ELLA, which I highly recommend  not only because  it is run by some of my colleagues from different EEOOII in Asturias but also because it is the best I have found so far that offers, for free, lesson plans where you can work all skills.

At the time of creating this lesson I wrote a post dedicated to my father  that you can read here. He passed away a few years ago but I still miss him and think he was the best doctor ever  and not just because he was my father and girls always think the best of their fathers but because, when treating his patients,  he relied more  on  instinct and experience than on books and this is essential to a doctor.

Click on the picture advertising the lesson plan if you want to do some practice.Level: A2

Revising Relationship Verbs

I just couldn’t let it pass!  It is not Valentine Day but my fourth year students are working with Relationship Verbs. Bad choice, on the publishers’ side, to ask students to learn expressions related to love when it is time for final exams and they need to concentrate on exams. Now’s the time to hunker down and hit the books! Mental note to email MacMillan about this issue!!!

So, not the right time to learn about love but , anyway,it gives me  the chance to spice up my lessons  using  the WordCoud generator Tagul, which enables you to create beautiful shapes with your words.

The exercise…. , simple  and to the point as I am a bit pressed for time. Students revise vocabulary by looking at the wordcloud and guessing  the right expression.
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Long-Awaited Questions for the Oral Test

Sorry guys! I completely forgot about it!

These are the questions we have been discussing in class lately(nicked from Kiss FM). You’ll need to speak about two or three minutes so the number of these questions you’ll be asked depends entirely on how lengthy your anwers are.. Don’t forget my previous post  if you feel you need to improve pronunciation 9 Useful Websites to Help you Improve Pronunciation and Listening, Good luck and I am looking forward to listening to you.

1. What do you do when you need to chill out?

2. What are you  very good at ?

3. When was the last time you did something for someone?

4.What’s your favourite book? What is it about? Why do you like it so much?

5. Have you ever lied to your parents? Did they ever find out?

6. If you could go to the moon, what would you take with you?

7. What’s your favourite means of transport? Why?