Daily Archives: 17 April 2013

Winner of the I Caption Writing Contest

And ….(fanfare of trumpets) we have the winner of our I Caption Writing Contest, Aitor Marqués, from 2nd ESO, who will be awarded a free homework pass to keep or maybe to give away as a present to someone in the class. One never knows when this pass can come in handy, not that Aitor needs it very much as he  is a  very hard-working student, but…one never knows.
Ok, let’s not beat about the bush and here, below these lines , is the winning caption . There were some very good ones, which you can read in the comments section, but my reasons for choosing Aitor’s caption have been the following:
♥Lack of  grammar or vocabulary mistakes
♥Witty and ironic at the same time
♥Very hot issue nowadays in Spain
Keep posted as there will be a II Caption Writing Contest, and you might be the lucky winner next time!!