Daily Archives: 30 January 2013

My Brainshark and my students

Never been happier with a tool. My BrainShark has everything I could possibly ask for. It is free, it is realiable and it is embbedable!!!! It  lets you upload videos and Powerpoints and add voice to them , you can make a photoalbum and add music and you can also  produce a podcast!!! There are lots of posts in this blog where I have used My Brainshark with my students – just type My Brainshark  in the search box- and I have even made a Tutorial in Spanish (here).

Today I want to thank Miguel González and Rubén Peláez from 2º IES Selgas  for their contribution and their patience. Sorry, it took me so long to publish! Just remember “Patience is the companion of wisdom” Saint Augustine.