Daily Archives: 9 November 2011

My Crafty Side:Turn a bar of soap into liquid hand soap

If you follow this blog you’ll surely know that this section is not mine, so at the end of these lines you’ll find the link to the blog I got the idea from.

I’ve been for ages storing complimentary bars of soap from the hotels I’ve stayed in. I should have got rid of them ages ago , but for some sentimental reason I’ve always put it off. Now, I’m glad I didn’t throw them away. I’m not going to ever buy liquid hand soap again .You’ll never guess how easy it is!

You are about to read the original  recipe, which might work just fine but I’ve slightly modified it: I’ve added two spoonfuls of liquid glycerin instead of one and added another cup of water because  I felt it was too thick, but I guess it all depends on the  kind of soap you’re using.

Source: Savvy Housekeping. Click here to read the article and good luck