Daily Archives: 15 November 2010

Fur.ly: URL Shortening

Now that I’m working in a high school this little tool Fur.ly I’m going to show you is more necessary than ever.
I still like to take my students, from time to time ,to the Computers Room to do some interactive exercises or to see a video but especially with the younger ones some kind of guidance is necessary so they don’t end up visiting sites you have absolutely no intention of them visiting.
What this little tool does is to replace different url into one , so when you take your students to the lab they have no excuse to get lost in the web of webs. It’s a free service and requires no registration. You copy and paste all the links you want to share one by one and then click on “GO” , and what you get is one single url .




and this is what you get


Now, the image above shows what Fur.ly looks like. At the top you can see a small bar displaying how many sites you can visit , there are also navigating arrows and a drop down menu.

I’m sure that if you’re not a teacher and you’re reading this you can still find lots of possibilities to use Fur.ly when sharing sites with your friends