Daily Archives: 13 September 2010

You never know…

This post you are about to read is meant for my students at the EOI Avilés. I don’t really know how many of you are still reading this blog, but if you are, I want you to know firsthand that I won’t be teaching at the EOI this course. It’s been a personal decision and it’s a temporary one ‘cause I’ll be leaving  you only for a year.
The truth be told I don’t really know whether I’ve taken the right decision or I’ve made a poor one, only time will tell but I felt I needed to spend more time with my children because,as you well know ,my afternoons and evenings for 20 years now have been filled up with teaching while my children stayed at home being taken care of by domestic help.
So I’m going to try something new; I’m not exactly thrilled about it, the feeling could be more or less described as being on tenterhooks but I feel my children deserve ( if their mother is given the option) to have their mother while they are at home and you never know… I might even like teaching teenagers ‘cause this year I’ve decided to teach at a high school.

Anyway, although I’m moving physically , you can still find me virtually in this blog which will be maintained and updated as usual.

Life is like a road. Just like any road, there are corners, detours, and crossroads in life .You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it“. Adam Khoo