A superbig thank you to you all ; you really helped make the party a big success with about 100 dishes !!
Monthly Archives: March 2010
Online newspapers
Sadly, and this is just my personal opinion, fewer people are reading the print papers. I know that some people call them the “dead tree edition” but I still want to retain some of the old ways. I can’t think of many things as pleasurable as having my midmorning cup of coffee sitting at a café terrace relaxing under the spring sun enjoying a juicy piece of news,can you? I know going online would be great for the environment but… I can’t help being a bit selfish here !
And you, so you still read newspapers or have you already moved on line??
If you are one of those who prefer reading online , let me show you a place I’ve found great for reading newspapers online.It is called The Paper Boy and here you can search for online newspapers by country,title,city…etc
You’ll never forget how to pronounce “would”
Learning and mastering English pronunciation can sometimes feel like a daunting task. I have been marking heaps of exams lately and now it’ s time for the oral test and if you want to know the truth… I ‘m dreading it!! Students insist on mispronouncing words they have heard a thousand times, like the word “since”, which they insistently pronounce as /sains/ and the “l” in words such as: walk, talk, should, half .… and would, when I’m well aware they know the “l” in these words is never pronounced.
By the time you finish watching this video, I bet you won’t forget how to pronounce “would”.
This clip from the movie “The Pink Panther” is probably one of the funniest I have ever seen and Steve Martin is at one of his best performances
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Japanese Eye Test
Now that we are up to your eyes in exams and I have just what you need. A good laugh!!
Look at this picture
If you cannot decipher anything, then try pulling the corner of your eyes as if you were Japanese. Keep
pulling until your eyes are almost closed. Can you see it now?
If you can see it without doing anything to your eyes, then … Congratulations!!
Howjsay.com : A Pronunciation Dictionary
I’ve been using this pronunciation dictionary for quite a long time and I love it for several reasons:
♥ You can find almost any word here and this includes proper names as it is the world’s largest English pronouncing dictionary.
♥ You enter the word and you submit it. When it appears in pink, mouse over it to hear it spoken as often as you want. You don’t have to wait a second as it is individually pre-recorded!!
♥ You can translate the word into Spanish or any other language using the Google Translate and then get the definition for the word .
I hope you like it as much as I do.
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