Daily Archives: 25 November 2009

Music on my Mind

I am one of those teachers who think that playing music is as good a way to improve listening as it is playing any other piece of information.
That’s why every Monday you’ve been doing listening based on lyrics. It’s not always easy to choose the song and even more difficult to choose which lines you will be able to understand. What’s more, I’m also quite aware of the fact that the music I like is probably not everyone’s cup of tea (I know, I know… you’ve never complained). So , now it’s your turn. Have you been listening to some tracks lately and thought… “Cristina should be playing this track” ?
Yes…. Then, let me know. Send me a reply to this post with your suggestion. It should include the following information

Singer/ Band:
Song Title
A few lines:

and thanks for your help. This blog is written for you and with you.