Well,well , the first unit in the book I am teaching this year to Intermediate students is about food and if I didn’t know any better I would think it was intentionally placed in the first unit to remind me that I need to seriously consider going on a diet to try to lose the ??? pounds gained after stuffing myself with tons of ice cream. Haven’t I read somewhere that Uma Thurman, the actress, lost 25 pounds in six weeks by eating ice cream , chocolate and pudding??? Just joking !! But wouldn’t it be just great if celebrities kept their strange fad diets to themselves ? Or rather not??? That way I can always put the blame on Uma Thurman ! 😉
Anyway, talking about food , I feel I need to remind my students not to make two of the
most common mistakes we, Spaniards, make when talking about food.
Mistake 1. When I grow up I want to be a cooker. If a person who teaches is a teacher and a person who runs is a runner , why is a person who cooks called a cook and not a cooker?
♥A cook= a person who cooks
My mother is a very good cook
♥A cooker= an apparatus where food is cooked (also called stove in AmE)
Do you have an electric or a gas cooker?
Mistake 2. I like cereals for breakfast.
Cereal is an uncountable noun, so you should say I like cereal for breakfast or a bowl of cereal.
Cereals can also be a plural countable noun. In that case, you are referring to the different kinds of cereals such as oat, barley , wheat or brands like corn flakes , rice krispies or choco crispies.
There are so many different kinds of cereals in this shop that I never know which one to buy.
Hope it is helpful! Keep posted!