Category Archives: Funny Stuff

Halloween: Write a Comic with a Scary Story

Halloween is coming soon , it’s almost here and this is a great time to let your imagination flow and write a scary story. Writing????? I can almost hear you complaining about having to write something , (well, anything).

OK, let’s do it in a funny way!

Let’s say the story is related to your school and /or  to your teacher . A great opportunity to scare MEEEE or even , if you dare, kill me, have  me eat poison or  place me in  the bonfire for witchcraft. The possibilites are endless.

We are going to do it using a comic template from this funny site ,where we’ll choose from different comic options and where we can also see other comics students like you  have written. Then ,when you have finished your masterpiece , we’ll vote for the best story. Does it sound like a good plan?

Choose your template

School of Scares! It started like any other English lesson…

Terror Teacher! One day our usual English teacher was absent…

The Homework from Hell! We were in English class, waiting for home time..

Ghosts and Grammar!  Nobody believed the stories about our school day, until one day…

When writing a comic , it might be helpful to know some common English interjections. Click here to see some of the most common

Click here to see some ideas for your comics and have a spooky Halloween!

The World of Games : ESL Games

Yeahhh! Ok ! Sometimes students deserve a treat! It’s the end of the course and most of them have studied pretty hard for their exams and it’s only fair that you reward them with a class in the computer room playing games!

GAMES??? before you start thinking I’ve gone mad  allowing  teenegers to play games, iiiin the computer room and iiiiiiin the English class, let me tell you that the games are reasonably inside the scope of what even parents would agree with being academic stuff.

The site is called and, even I, would be returning from time to time to play the games and have fun.

You can choose Grammar Games, Games for ESL Classroon Teaching ( you can play here The Wheel of Fortune, Who wants to be a  Millionaire …etc), Vocabulary Games and Pronunciation Games. Take your pick!

Aren’t you dying to try these games?

Dear Mum

Oh My dear Mommy!

When I found this piece of writing I could  hardly believe what I was reading. I had always thought my mother was unique, especially when nagging  or pestering me but after reading this, it suddenly dawned on me that mothers have been using the same  pet words, warnings and threats all over the world .

Useful vocabulary:

To Straighten up= to reform  or become reformed

I used to get into a lot of trouble, but after I had my daughter I straightened up for her.”

“If Derek doesn’t straighten up, his girlfriend is going to leave him.”


1. It means the diffusion of fluids through a membrane

2. A gradual, often unconscious process of assimilation or absorption: learned French by osmosis while residing in Paris for 15 years.

ESP means ExtraSensory Perception

Barn =A covered building used chiefly for storing grain, hay, and other productions of a farm

Do you have the same impression ?Does your mum tell you some of these things?

OMG! I’m a mother now! I’ll have to pay close attention to what I say to my kids.

Teaching “should”: Why men shouldn’t write advice columns.

Ending a lesson with a smile on the students’s face is priceless and this is what I got after doing this activity with them.

Aim: teaching “should” to give advice.

Task: Students in pairs were given the left  column of the article where a problem is posed .  They were asked to write a sound piece of advice to help this person.

Now , once their advice  was read out and properly appraised , I wrote on the blackboard  Men shouldn’t write advice columns and then asked students to guess how this headline could relate to the problem they had  just read about.

After a juicy discussion , I handed out the right column and we had a healthy  laugh!

Forcing the Past Continuous

For the past few days I have been thinking about possible situations where my students could use the Past Continuous. But, by far, the funniest one has been this one I’m about to tell you.
Bear in mind before going on reading that I work with teenagers. They can sometimes get quite emotional so I have to be careful not to push them too far so that they also enjoy the activity. Drama, on my side, is essential or they won’t buy my story. The more drama, the more fun you’ll get! This is my story and I have realised I love being naughty!!

(Going into the classroom with a gloomy face is a must for this story. Say nothing for a while and stare at them. Soon students will begin to feel uneasy and someone will eventually ask: “What’s wrong, teacher?”).

Well, you see! Yesterday afternoon I came to Grado (name the town where you teach) to do some shopping and a very unpleasant thing happened to me. (sad face and some more staring) . While I was leaving a shop (name the shop for realism) I heard a boy and a girl calling my name and running away. I couldn’t see their faces but I think I recognised their voices. When I went over to my car I realized someone had scratched my car with a key. That’s why I’m so sad. “Sara, the girl’s voice sounded just like yours!” ” Oh, no, no teacher” “What were you doing yesterday at 5 o’clock?” “I was doing my homework at home” and you David “Were you in Grado yesterday afternoon? Yes , but I was playing a football match!

As I said : I love being NAUGHTY!