Category Archives: Music

Pixie Lott … fit as a fiddle and other music related idioms

Although I can’t say I’m a music junkie I spend a lot of my time listening to music. The kind of music I listen to largely depends on my mood.N ormally, on my way to work I’m full of energy and anticipation so the songs I like listening to are of that kind … but when I am coming back home I need something a bit more relaxing, so I go for classical music, ballads, chill out … and all that jazz. And sometimes if my day’s been crap and I have to think about the best way to face the music, then I appreciate the silence.

Anyway, what I want to say is that I like this chick. I think she’s got a very nice voice, powerful but sweet at the same time .. When I first listened to her, her voice kind of struck a chord; she is somewhere between Amy Winehouse and Kate Perry with a touch of Dufy. Her first album has just been released and I anticipate it’s going to sell like hot cakes.
Her debut single ‘Mama Do (Uh Oh Uh Oh)‘ was a success but, in my humble opinion, there are other very good tracks. By the way, her album is called Turn it Up.

Want to see what these idioms mean ?

The Thriller Dance

My son Lucas, who is 9, was watching TV (I’m afraid he’s sort of becoming a couch potato if I do nothing about it) when the video of Thriller filled the screen. He called me all excited about what he was seeing. I tried to explain who Michael Jackson was (difficult when I got to the part of him turning white) and what the video was about (the part about the graveyard and him turning into a zombie and scaring the girl was his favourite) and then, in my determination to show him how fun dancing could be I started searching the Net and bumped into this funny page where you can learn how to dance the Thriller Dance.

And well, I am just beginning to think it might be very interesting to teach vocabulary related to verbs of movement in a funny way. So… dear students … get ready, next year when we get to the point of learning verbs related to movement we’ll be dancing Thriller… if you don’t believe me … have a look at how organised they’ve got it all for me, ready to be used!! We might even be asked to perform at the Christmas Party!! How about that!!! I can’t wait!!!

Let’s get started
Step 1.The Dance. There are 8 lessons and each consists of 4 clips

Step 2. The Dance Script

Related Links:
Karaoke online

Memories to Share

Good memories, bad memories but memories anyway.

Only this week I asked my students to reminisce about the past and, because we are on the lucky side of the world, all their memories were great. Most of them remembered their childhood with nostalgia, which is a good thing to do.
They remembered and talked about memories they will always cherish: about fighting with siblings, wonderful holidays when the family used to stick together, inventing tall stories to tell your parents so as not to be grounded, giggling with your classmates after mocking the teacher… you have given me lots of material to bribe you with.
We all have memories that are persistent throughout most of our life. Sharing them provides others a precious window to who we are.

Now, I have found and done with my students this song by James Morrison Once When I was Little, food for thought I should say, which both fits the grammar we have been studying to refer to the past, namely : “would” and “used to” and also the topic “Memories”.

I hope you enjoy it!. If you want to see the Lesson Plan , click here

Have you got any memories to share? So, come on, send them!!

Putting the emphasis on Emilia

Have you never heard about her? I’m sure you have. But even if you haven’t , if I hum the words” I’m a big, big girl…” you’ll probably think,” Yeah ,I know this song “or, at least, this small verse though maybe not the singer.

Why this song today? Well, the only reason is because I’ve been teaching Emphasis and it’s a good song to illustrate this point. I’m afraid that’s my only reason as she is not one of my favourites. “Sorry , Emilia ! I’ve heard you are on your way to the European Song Contest and I wish you well, you are just too soft for me”

Anyway, it is very good for students to see how the emphasis is placed on some words (actually, they can find three different ways).
But, why don’t you go to my website and do the exercises ? or alternatively ,if you are up to your eyes with homework , just enjoy it.
First option, click here