Category Archives: Create your own stuff

Fun quizzes

Now, as if I didn’t have enough to do I’ve become sort of hooked on this Facebook thing,which is packed with silly quizzes. I think I’m on my way to become a total nerd if I don’t put a stop to the time I spend on useless pastimes. Anyway, never in my life had I seen such a load of quiz tests . There are tests for everything , ranging from telling you what sort of person you are based on a quiz on the shoes you like to telling you what your day is going to be like when you open (virtually speaking, of course) a cookie. It can be fun at first but then it gets really tiresome.
I have found where some of these quizzes come from. Quizzes can be fun ways of learning new vocabulary and questions, at least this is the reason that has prompted me to write this post. So, visit here and treat yourself to some fun quizzes

But there is something else : this site also allows you to create your own quiz and this is what I have done. This time a bit more educational, though.

Create A Quiz | View Scores


Playing with images: Bookr

Playing? Working? Teaching?Let’s not beat about the bush and call a spade a spade …yes , I am playing , playing with images . It is my firm conviction that when you see something you remember it better. That’s why , once again, I have used the same tool I used when teaching Food and Cooking : PimPamPum . This is a version called Bookr , and as its name suggests it creates photobooks using Flikr images. The photobooks are very simple to create, you just need to type in a key word to find the images you want and then drag them onto the pages and add what you need to be taught and illustrated.
I think this a nice way to teach parts of the animals and I’ve also added some idioms containing animals that need to be studied. 

Animals by Cristina

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Wordle: creating “word clouds”

It is not the first time I ‘ve used this tool, but it is the first time I’ve used it to revise vocabulary. I like it because it is easy to use and also attractive and we all know that students appreciate it when you give them something different.
How does this tool help me? Wordle is a “toy” for generating “word clouds” from the text you provide.
In the past I mainly used it to decorate some posts and in class to retell a text. It is a great tool for retelling as the clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.

But today I’ve discovered a new use to Wordle. I needed tor revise some vocabulary. I normally do it as a competition game with strips of paper and the word to be revised written on them. But today I tried writing the words to be revised and this is the result. I’ve created two word clouds as I am going to split the class into two and let them compete against each other by giving them a maximum of two minutes to try to define the words to their team. So, I’ve printed the word clouds and used it in the OHP. Hope they like it! I had a great time too tweaking the fonts, colours and layout.

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Karaoke on line
Fancy doing a dictation?


Food and cooking. Working with Flickr

Food! Food!! Food for thought! Always nice to learn something so useful. Nive way to teach too when it is as funny as doing it using this amazing tool which borrows pictures from Flickr and allows users to input sentences, phrases or even entire paragraphs and then turn them into illustrated slide shows .

Why don’t you try your own images and share them? Have a look at what I’ve done.
Ways of cooking

Kitchen equipment


What’s the difference between Sour and Bitter?
1.Take a drink of Vinegar : This would be sour or so considered to be.
2.Take a bite of Real pure dark chocolate: This would considered bitter
1.A Grannysmith green cooking apple would be sour
2.Coffee without sugar or cream would be bitter
Sour lemons and limes, or unripe fruit before it becomes sweet.


Enjoy your meal!!