Category Archives: Vocabulary

Kids Front: another cool website to have fun

I was searching the Net to nick pictures to do a hot potatoes exercise for my elementary students on parts of the body when I bumped into this cool site. It’s called Kids Front and although it’s for kids ,I’ve found plenty of funny exercises to use in my classes.

Shall I suggest: Form a New Word  or Homonyms or the more serious Match the Prefix ?


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ELLA: English Language Lab Asturias

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to recommend you this wonderful site , but …better late than never!
This site has been created and is maintained by three colleagues from three different EEOOIII . On their own they have been awarded different prizes and together they have created this wonderful site. My admiration and thanks to you three: María (from EOI Oviedo), Carmen (from EOI Mieres) and Javier (from EOI Luarca).

Now , for you my dearest students and because I can guess that right now you must be frantic (exam is on Monday) looking for new listening comprehensions to do, I am going to link you straightaway to the listening section of ELLA. The link will lead you to a page with all the listenings , find the ones for you level…. ADVANCED.
If you like the site , don’t forget to send them a post. It is always nice to hear that all you effort has been worthwhile !

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Playing with images: Bookr

Playing? Working? Teaching?Let’s not beat about the bush and call a spade a spade …yes , I am playing , playing with images . It is my firm conviction that when you see something you remember it better. That’s why , once again, I have used the same tool I used when teaching Food and Cooking : PimPamPum . This is a version called Bookr , and as its name suggests it creates photobooks using Flikr images. The photobooks are very simple to create, you just need to type in a key word to find the images you want and then drag them onto the pages and add what you need to be taught and illustrated.
I think this a nice way to teach parts of the animals and I’ve also added some idioms containing animals that need to be studied. 

Animals by Cristina

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Wordle: creating “word clouds”

It is not the first time I ‘ve used this tool, but it is the first time I’ve used it to revise vocabulary. I like it because it is easy to use and also attractive and we all know that students appreciate it when you give them something different.
How does this tool help me? Wordle is a “toy” for generating “word clouds” from the text you provide.
In the past I mainly used it to decorate some posts and in class to retell a text. It is a great tool for retelling as the clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text.

But today I’ve discovered a new use to Wordle. I needed tor revise some vocabulary. I normally do it as a competition game with strips of paper and the word to be revised written on them. But today I tried writing the words to be revised and this is the result. I’ve created two word clouds as I am going to split the class into two and let them compete against each other by giving them a maximum of two minutes to try to define the words to their team. So, I’ve printed the word clouds and used it in the OHP. Hope they like it! I had a great time too tweaking the fonts, colours and layout.

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Karaoke on line
Fancy doing a dictation?