Category Archives: Word of the Day

Word of the Day: On the Internet

I know, I know! You don’t have to tell me! Internet is not a difficult word to learn. Why should I, then, dedicate a post to the word Internet?   Come to think of it  this  post might be only meaningful to Spanish students as they are the ones who make the most mistakes when using this word in context. Why? For these two reasons.

♥ We don’t use the article “the

♥We have a problem with the prepositions in and on and we tend to use almost invariably in.

By the way, did you know that the word Internet is feminine in Spanish?

Word of the Day: To text

Who said we cannot learn a new word and have a good laugh at the same time? The word to learn today is to text” which means “to send a  written  message to someone using a mobile phone”.  For ex. She texted me when she arrived.

Before you proceed to read the message in the picture, let me be honest with you. The word to be taught here should have been  “crotch , but I know my mum would disapprove if I started the post saying I was going to teach you a word  meaning “the area between your legs where they join your body“.  And now, straight for the laugh! 😉

Word of the day: hilarious

hilarious /hɪˈlerijəs/ adjective = extremely funny


  1. Some people don’t like his comedy, but I think he’s hilarious.
  2. She gave us a hilarious account of her first days as a teacher

                                                                                       Source: Merriam Webster

Fancy watching a  hilarious clip about an Iraq soldier speaking English?