Category Archives: Word of the Day

Pixie Lott … fit as a fiddle and other music related idioms

Although I can’t say I’m a music junkie I spend a lot of my time listening to music. The kind of music I listen to largely depends on my mood.N ormally, on my way to work I’m full of energy and anticipation so the songs I like listening to are of that kind … but when I am coming back home I need something a bit more relaxing, so I go for classical music, ballads, chill out … and all that jazz. And sometimes if my day’s been crap and I have to think about the best way to face the music, then I appreciate the silence.

Anyway, what I want to say is that I like this chick. I think she’s got a very nice voice, powerful but sweet at the same time .. When I first listened to her, her voice kind of struck a chord; she is somewhere between Amy Winehouse and Kate Perry with a touch of Dufy. Her first album has just been released and I anticipate it’s going to sell like hot cakes.
Her debut single ‘Mama Do (Uh Oh Uh Oh)‘ was a success but, in my humble opinion, there are other very good tracks. By the way, her album is called Turn it Up.

Want to see what these idioms mean ?

Are you a Cat or a Dog Person?

Well, this person you are going to see in the video is ,without doubts, crazy about cats. This is what would happen to me if I had to live with even one cat , let alone 130 as this lady… no wonder she’s called the crazy cat lady. Hey! No offence meant I’m just repeating what everybody seems to think about her.Honestly speaking, I admire what she does and I only wish I had the guts to do the same with my beloved dogs.
Now watch the video and if you fancy answering some questions about it. Click here

And as we are on the subject , how about learning some idioms containing ” cat and/or dog” ?
From the popular ” it’s raining cats and dogs” there’s a wide range of idioms containing these two words. I’m just going to write the ones easy to remember and whose meaning can easily be inferred from context, but bear in mind there are plenty of others.

The 32-year-old actress spent a large proportion of the week playing cat and mouse with the press
We were planning a surprise birthday party but Jack let the cat out of the bag and now she knows about it
I had a dog’s life at school: I was always being beaten.
After years of neglect, the old artist’s work was recognised and honoured: every dog has his day.

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Word of the Day: Ditto

I bumped into this word and my first thought was: Gosh!! I have so many things to learn. So, here it is. I wouldn’t dare not sharing it with you.
Ditto”, what a strange word to be used in English!. In fact, you can use so many other expressions with the same meaning as Ditto , that this must have been the reason why I’ve never felt the need to use it.
But let’s not ramble and get to the point, the point being the meaning of this word .
You use it ,informally, to agree with what someone has just said.
A: What a nice teacher! B: Ditto
Or as stated in the cartoon to avoid repetition.

Word of the Day: Dead

Everyone knows that the most common meaning of the adjective dead is “not alive”, “deprived of life ; of an emotion (now that Valentine’s day is coming) ” no longer felt” : a dead passion, dead affections.

The word is used in a couple of other interesting ways, though… For instance, you can say “dead tired” to mean “extremely tired” – (EX: “Jim was dead tired after driving for 20 hours straight”). “Dead wrong” means “completely wrong”. In this usage, you can see that the word has the meaning of “very”, “completely”, “extremely”, etc. To be dead on means to be “completely right/correct”. Another expression that uses “dead” is “the dead center of (something)”, which means “the very center of (something)”.

Word of the day: Fuck you

It is my firm belief that you can never learn too much. But if you feel this is too much or if you are under 18, stop reading right now. Perhaps one of the most interesting and colourful words in the English language today is the word FUCK. It is the one magical word which, just by its sound, can describe pain, pleasure, love and hate. In language “fuck” falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive and intransitive (I’m not going to give you an example, in case my mother ever reads this), as an adverb ( Mary is fucking interested in John), and as a noun ( also, and for the same reason above I am not going to give you an example) and as an adjective ( Mary is fucking beautiful). As you can see, there are very few words with the versatility of “fuck”.

Beside its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations

•Greetings                       How the fuck are you?
•Fraud                               I got fucked by the car dealer
•Dismay                             Oh, fuck it
•Trouble                           Well, I guess I’m fucked now
•Aggression                     Fuck you!
•Disgust                             Fuck me
•Confusion                        What the fuck…?
•Difficulty                          I don’t understand this fucking business
•Despair                             Fucked again
•Incompetence               He fucks up everything
•Displeasure                     What the fuck is going on here?
•Disbelief                           Unfuckingbelievable

•It can be used in an anatomical description – He is a fucking asshole
•It can be maternal – as in motherfucker
•It can be used to tell the time- it’s five fucking thirty
•It can be used in business- How did I wind up with this fucking job?
•It can be political – Fuck George Bush

And never forget General Custer’s last words: “Where did all these fucking Indians come from?”
And the famous last words of the Major of Hiroshima:”What the fuck was that?”
And last but not least, the Captain of the Titanic: “Where is all this fucking water coming from?”
How can anyone be offended when you say FUCK? Use it frequently in your daily speech; it will add to your prestige.

Today , say to someone- “FUCK YOU”